This post won't be very excititing for anyone but me....maybe rich. I just want to write this down so I can remember. Anywhoooo. I love July 4th. I love the matching outfits, the bbq's, the fireworks. Everything. I also think of it as Rich/Ashley Holiday.
Back in 1997 we spent our first 4th of july together. Sort of. He gave me strep and I went on a date to watch the fireworks with a guy named....jermey(?) I
drove Rich's car and when the date was done I went over to his house. Rich took me to the throat speaclist when they had to lance my throat.
1998- We did not spend together. Let's not discuss. Except to say, Rich was dating a woman almost a FOOT taller than him. Come on.
1999- Kayleen was in town. Rich and I plus Kayleen, Ryan,
and other randoms went out on the golf course to "watch" the fireworks. My brother also blessed his first baby that weekend. I told my best friend Ryan not to mention how big my nephew was, guess what the first thing was out of his mouth? Rich came to a lot of the family fesitivties. We were welcoming him back into the family.

2000- Our first year married. We swam in the cold pool at our complex and then went to my sil's familys party. It wasn't the best time. No one would play games with us. Good thing our so cute baby nephew was there so we went to kiss on him.
2001- We tricked Ethan and Natalie into helping us paint our new house. We were trying to save money on building our house so we decided to paint on our day off from work. It was over a 100 degrees. We drove all over town looking for the correct paint colors. The night ended watching fireworks in the Branberry/car dealership grassyspots.
2002- Back to Branberry/car dealership with Ethan and Natalie. Later in the year Rich bought a baby girl dress for the 4th of july for-a-someday-we-will-have-a-girl.
2003-I was very pregnant and we were living in CA. Kayleen and Trevor spent the day with us. It was the first time I mentioned a name that I heard and liked, "What do you guys think of the name, Crew, Cru or Crue?"
2004- We went to our friends Emily/Dustins house. Crewe fell off the brick steps and got a huge smash. It was very dramatic for my babies first BONK.
2005-Back to the Prussos.
2006- I am thinking we were at the Prussos?
2007- The Kids and I were in MT. No Rich. Boo. But we had a great time in MT and we got to be with Et/Nat, again.
2008-We are not sure what we will do this year. But I do know that Dayne will be wearing a certain dress......
Have a Happy 4th of July!!!!