Monday, December 11, 2006


Crewe's shoes are TOO small, again. We tried to find the same shoes because he LOVES his puma shoes. But no luck. So my dad bought him these great Nike shoes. HE WILL NOT WEAR THEM!!! Today I squeezed his feet into his Puma's and with each step he would say, "ow, Ouch!!!!".

"Your shoes are too small."

"No they are too big!"

"Do you want to wear these (bring the cute Nike's over) shoes. They won't hurt your feet."

"No, they're too white!"

"What the.......?!*# Too white? What does that mean?"


*ethan* said...

your kid hates white people

jody said...

I loved the Nike shoes, keep trying on those darn shoes.

jody said...

Or cut holes in the Puma shoes and let those little piggies poke out it will look real classy

jody said...

I loved the Nike shoes, keep trying on those darn shoes.

{natalie} said...

where is a pic of the shoes??

brittany said...

lily does that too, she gets obsessed with shoes and then she keeps jamming her feet in to them for as long as she can possibly stand it!

brittany said...

hey did you check the puma website. i was on there today and it looked like they had the pumas i saw him wearing in a previous photo you sent.