Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Wednesday Night TV

I would NEVER waste time watching TV. I don't even know whats on because I am so busy doing, you know, important things. Besides, I only watch the Discovery Channel.......

Who are we kidding? My favorite night of TV is Wednesday. All of these shows are on Wednesday so my DVR does have to work. (Let's just say a little prayer to the DVR ).Plus I have been up since 4:30am--dang those kids. So chances are I won't actually WATCH any of these shows tonight but they will be waiting for me, as soon as I am done reading War and Peace, feeding the homeless and knitting masks for ugly people........Project Runway. Need I say more. FAB-U-LOUS!!!!! I love this show.

Americas Next Top Model. I didn't mean to watch this show but once upon a time I was sick and I caught a marathon. Ah, the marathon tricks you into LOVING the show every time. I love this show.

Gossip Girl. My new favorite show. With Gilmore Girls and Veronica Mars gone, I needed a little teenage angst to fill my soul. Plus somebody still needs to watch the WB or the CW.

Pushing Daises. I must admit that I have not watch last weeks episode but when I do get to watch it, I enjoy it. I LOVE Kristen Chenowith and I think she is really charming in this show.

Dirty Sexy Money. Rich and I watch this show together. One of few. Very smart, entertaining and kind of dark. But so good.
Private Practice. I don't love this show but I have not given up on it. It's like Grey's Anatomy is my friend and PP is the little brother. You have to be nice even though you are not sure they have ever taken a shower.
Ok, this show is NOT on Wed but I LOVE LOVE LOVE this show. Run's House. This may be my favorite show and truthfully I am glad that it is not on Wed. so the enjoyment can be spread out. I keep wanting to do a whole blog about this show, (and I will) but not today. Just watch it.* Beef- you must give Run a second try.


{natalie} said...

some of your choices surprise me, i will admit. i do love pushing daisies and private practice is my secret indulgence.

chickadee3357 said...

I personally like Chuck, Heroes, and Journeyman, all Monday night on the NBC.

brittany said...

I watch Gossip Girl, LOVE IT. Private Practice and Dirty Sexy Money, although we have some backed up issues we haven't gotten to on our DVR. I was always thinking Thursday was the best TV night, but it may actually be Wednesday.

jody said...

I forgot to watch Private Practice and Pushing Daisies. I guess that is why they aren't my favorite but I will try. I haven't even heard of some of these shows. I do like Dirty Sexy Money but Thursday is sti8ll my favorite.

Natali, Aaron, & Boys said...

I've never heard of Run's House.

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of ANY of these shows. I only watch shows that rhyme with orts penter.