Wednesday, September 06, 2006

funny things Crewe says....

i just have so many funny things that Crewe has been saying in the last couple of days. After you done gagging(all parents think thier kids are so charming and funny) can read this post or skip it.

1. When the dr came into the room yesterday Crewe said to him, "you fix Mommy? Don 't fix Crewe, only Mommy!"

2. I told him that he was going to be a big brother. Crewe replied, "No big brother, I'M CREWE!!!"

3. Crewe rubs his chin in a pondering way and says, "now let's see".

4. When he likes what we are going to do he raises his little finger in the air and says, "Good idea!"


{natalie} said...

i love when kids are cute w/fun phrases. he's funny.

*ethan* said...

that cracks me up

jody said...

He says some very cute things! I love it! I really like the "it's not a baby its a seahorse:))))