Sunday, May 18, 2008


I am in a "mood" tonight.  So I want to make a list of my issues:

1. I hate season finales. They always want to make them bigger and cliff hanger-ery. Dumb. Boo.  Just fill my happiness. Let Jim propose.  Let Betty love Henry. 

2. I don't like mango. I always pretend to like it because it is a cool fruit but ENOUGH. Me-no-likey.

3. I think I have a hair growing in my ear. Gross. If I was an old man I would have an ear hair trimmer.

4. I had a pedicure about a month ago. I can't get the nail polish off. What did they do? Glue the color on?

5. I have to read a 500 page book by Thursday and I just. can't. get. Ah!


brittany said...

ash, i always love your posts and this one is cracking me up! i am always disappointed in season finales too!! i hope grey's pulls through, but i'm thinking it won't. we'll have to talk when friday!

jody said...

You are reading my mind about season finales...they always want to make them some big huge thing and usually they aren't that great. Now where can we make are thought known.

good picture of your finger with the pretty girl

are we going to have a camping post?

Natali, Aaron, & Boys said...

I agree about season finales. Although The Office twist was interesting, but I still think Jim should have proposed. Funny post!

{natalie} said...

i was really mad that jim didn't propose. really, really mad.

i haven't had a pedicure since girls' weekend. maybe try some paint thinner.

you crack me up and love these kind of posts. wish i were there to bring over italian soda supplies and cheer you up.