Friday, October 31, 2008

Prop 8

I had a really hard time when our church asked us come out and support Prop 8. As I have spent time reading, talking, praying and listening my church leaders  I am now able to say that I support Prop 8.  It is not about hate or bigotry.  

Rich's cousin Mindy said it best, " I support the rights of committed, non-heterosexual couples to receive the civil rights that heterosexual couples receive, which they already receive in the California. I do not support Government recognition of such relationships as marriage because it deemphasizes the significance of that sacred, unique union- the natural and biological, millennial-honored means for conceiving and establishing families...." Thanks Mindy for the help.


Anonymous said...

very well put. I am not sure you could make that comment without getting shouted down by the liberal hordes. Dane

{natalie} said...

i was wondering if you were going to post this. i like how mindy put it too. it's not about hate at all.

Amy said...

Amen. I just think of the words from a fellow coworker at Nordstrom who was gay. He said, "I don't think gay marriage should be allowed! The nation's divorce rate is already at an astounding 58%. If gays were to marry, it would skyrocket to 85% since we are so damn bitchy!"