Sunday, August 13, 2006

Coyote Ugly

Last night Crewe was having a really hard time sleeping. He has this awful cough/cold. So around 9:30 we woke him up to give him some medicine. It is a total song and dance and he was very awake when we were done. I offered him to come and lay on the couch with me and snuggle (back to sleep).
I was watching "Coyote Ugly" the movie. Crewe just sat next to me and watched. Nothing was said until the girls hopped on the bar to dance. Crewe jumped up and said, "Cowboys!!! Yee-ha!!!". Then I called Rich out of the bedroom to tell him and when he came out Crewe turned to him and said, "They forgot their horses!".


jody said...

you must have misheard him. I suspect he said, Dad, look at these whoreses.

*ethan* said...

oh dad you are sooooo funny, so now will you post your smartass comments on other peoples blogs