1 I am the funniest one in the family
2. I have 2 labs who drive me nuts.
3. I have known my wife hody, for 39 years
4. I love to travel.
5. San Diego is my favorite
6.I speak excellent Spanish
7. Hody and I want to serve a mission
8. I have humps on my feet
9. I have been on 4 cruises
10. I can really cook
11. My cookies won a best of show at the state fair
12. In the summer I am the grillmaster
12. I love the cougars.
13. I still plat basketball twice a week.
14. I am known as the donut man by all the kids, cause I bring them every Sat
15. I dont type so hot
16. we eat at the el burrito every tue
17. I dont make the bed
18. The dogs go walkin twice a day.
19. I hate meetings
20. Love Houstons
21. I have run a ncaa Basketball contest for 27 straight years.
22. Won it Twice
23. I like my three kids alot. Not just Love but really like.
24. Interviewing teenagers can give you grey hair
25. If you think Ethan is funny, refer to rule 1
26. I golf , but not that well for 40 years of practice
27. I am never going bald. good genes
28. My German is passable. Nicht Wahr?
29. I did a triathalon so slow
30. I watch 24
31. Pepperoni all the way
32. I watch byu games on tape delay. wus
33. larry Bird
34. I drive a Boxster S. Cool
35. I can barely email. Thanks Aaron
36. Love all grandkids (8)
37. I always sing happy birthday to Aaron on March 27
38. Ashley has my soft spot.
39. I miss Hody
40. I let my parents win at marbles intentionally. I am a good son
41. I pick up checks
42. My friends say i am the best at poker
43. Sadly I am banned from poker
44. Never say no to the Bear
45. I wore a purple tie today,rather brave
46. Naps are great
47 I swim like a manatee
48. In a speedo.
49. Just kiddin
50. This ahas been fun
Thats my man and I miss him like crazy. I could do 100 things about his easy. Just one thing that I do need to post is he is the most generous person ever. He just can't say no to any one. What a great quality! You the man!!
ah dane...you are the best by far. i hope ethan loves me as much as you love jody. see you in utah soon! love, nat
I love your list. You are delightful. I love you Pop
Even though I haven't seen Dane in a few years, the list made me laugh. Some things don't change! Fun family!
Congrats on the new Dayne in your life! I was mentioning to my mom that you Schofields have a small list of names that you are passing around the family for use on new children (ie. Ethan, Natalie, Dane (and its variations) but if they work, don't change them!
Congrats again on the happy family!
Erin (was a clark, now a tanner, and a mom) Life is good!
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