I have something I have been thinking about and I think, I am ready to share it with you.....
I have been concerned about my new feelings for awhile. I was a member of a Brownie Troop. I gladly wore the green vest or was it a sash? Anyway, I loved selling cookies as a girl scout. I loved having my dad take me up to the court house to push my sweet child face onto people and make them buy my cookies. I was driven to always sell, sell, sell. I wanted to sell enough for the T-SHIRT. Very cool.
This year a little girl came to our door asking if I wanted to buy cookies. I said, YES!!! Of course, I love the cookies. I love the Girl Scouts of America. Wait, $3.50 a box. Only one sleeve of cookies in each box. Are you Freaking KIDDING ME?????? So I bought 3 boxes and waited a month for delivery. Delivery? Another thing that bugs, I do no like being accosted outside of my Walmart, Lucky's, the bank, and nail salon. NO! I don't want to buy MORE cookies. I was already sucked by the girl next door. No impulse shopping for me!
Rich and I sat down the other night to enjoy our Tag-alongs (what is up with this name?), A box of Thin Mints, and the Lemon Suck it To Me's. They were......gross. Over processed. Tasted like wax and really not enjoyable. In fact, I. only.ate. one. cookie. ONE?!?#$%%
My name is Ashley and I am no longing in love with Girl Scout Cookies.
Finally, I said it.