I tried to blog but I couldn't get any pictures to upload. Grrrr.....
In december I had lots of reasons I did not blog. I even have a few pictures as proof.
1. We took our kids to Gilroy Gardens. It was such a total delight.
2. We drove up to the Mountains and cut down our Christmas Tree. The experience was better than our tree.
3. Dayne performed in a little Christmas dance class performance. My friend kept asking if dayne was trying to do the dance moves or was she trying to be a mime. It was hard to tell the difference.
4. Crewe celebrated Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Navidad en Mexico and Christmas all at school. It was awesome.
5. We went to a great Christmas party, with no kids.
6. We had a nice Christmas with the Palmer family.
7. Now the kids and I are in Montana. My brother and his family are also here. We are having a fantastic time. It is freaking cold. Today the high was 19 degrees.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Tuesday, December 08, 2009

December 8 Moment of peace. An hour or a day or a week of solitude. What was the quality of your breath? The state of your mind? How did you get there?
I truly find peace when my kids are so perfectly happy. When they say something funny or endearing. Because I can here a few:
Crewe's teacher was having the kids raise theirs hands and list a holiday. Crewe raised his hand and when called upon, shouted, "Black Friday!"
Dayne wanted some of my Diet Coke. I told her that it really isn't good for little girls. But the logic doesn't work for her, If I can drink, so she she. I then muttered, "You shouldn't be drinking this. It's ridiculous.!" She replied, "Ridiculously yummy!"
Outside of Crewe classroom, at school, are hanging art projects. Each child had drawn a picture and filled in the sentence. My holiday wish for everyone worldwide is..... that everyone could belong to a church. Oh, my heart.
Monday, December 07, 2009
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Happy Birthday Nat!
Happy Birthday Natali!
***Yes I have two Sister-in-law's named Natali****
Natali is awesome. She is kind. Thoughtful. An amazing mother. Loves the TV show, "Friday Night Lights" and "Big Bang Theory " (a show that I don't get). Has 4 boys. Plays the piano. Is in great shape. Is a freaking Dentist. Drinks mostly water. Hair is naturally curly and thick. She has great nails. Likes to read. Home is decorated so darling. Favorite food has got to be meat, ribs. Watches movies in the Dark. Super Smart. Use to wear glasses, eyes have improved with each baby. IS a scuba driver. The most beautiful handwriting. Really. Enjoys pedicures but doesn't get them that often. Caned fruit this year because she has a pear tree. Loves to Travel. Doesn't own enough towels (hehe). I love you Nan. Happy Birthday!

Friday, December 04, 2009
Day 4

Wednesday, December 02, 2009
The 2nd

December 2 Restaurant moment. Share the best restaurant experience you had this year. Who was there? What made it amazing? What taste stands out in your mind?
The details:
Where: Mexico
Who: The jody, Crewe, Ashley, Baby Dayne, Uncle WImp and Aunt Dawn
When: April
Food: Mexican. Good. Amazing cheese. Beans and rice. Good Salsa.
Music: Gypsy Kings. We requested.
Area: Overhanging the ocean.
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
December 1st

*Me with nephews and niece. The first day of the fun*
I was reading one of my favorite blogs, JMS Musings, and she linked you to another blog that had a end of the year review. I love having someone tell me what to blog about so I am going to try. (I will get back to NYC soonish).
December 1st- What was your best trip of 2009?
Since I love all my trips and vacations this was hard. I am going to say our cruise that we went on March. I love being with all of my family. I loved waking up in the AM heading to the breakfast buffet and running into my brother, already sitting there with his boys eating cereal. I loved staying up late with my both of brothers going to a comedian. I loved watching all the kids playing together 24/7. I loved ordered pina colodas with Nat and Nan (strawberry for Nan). I loved having our room link to my parents and being with them. I liked ordering room service, the Mexican Restaurant (he he), the bowling (I sucked) and the small rooms. I loved being on the boat as well as touring the countries we went to. The warm weather was fantastic. It was a perfect vacation. Perfect.

Friday, November 27, 2009
Happy Birthday Nat

This is my sister in law, Natalie. (The middle one)She is turning 30 Today. Here are 30 Things I like About her:
1. She is a great listener.
2. Amazing mom.
3. Great baker.

4. Loves color. Including Blue.
5. Is in the Dave Matthews Band Fan Club.

6. When we first met we bonded over liking Gilmore Girls and Jack and Jill.
7. She is honest with me. When I first told her that my first born was named, Crewe. She said,Oh, It will take me a while, but okay
8. She thinks Ethan is a God.
9. Her cars always have names.
10. She is constantly trying to learn.
11. She really wanted to name her daughter, Addison Sarah but was worried about the herinitials. A.S.S.

12. She loves concerts.
13. Avid reader.
14. She has always been a protector of her brothers.
15. Nat is teaching herself to sew.
16. Wants to be a runner.

17. She eats very plainly. Her sandwiches have no condiments.
18. When playing games she is partners with Rich. She doesn't complain when Ethan and I get way too into being partners and winning!!!!
19. She is very easy to travel with. We have been to 8 real countries together. Plus layovers in other countries.
20. On Girls Weekends she want to take Polaroids of us doing crazy things.

22. She loves pretzels and cream cheese (something I have never tried).
23. In MT I can always trick her to getting Italian Creme Sodas with me. Everyday.
24. She is always wanting to come up with projects for us to do when we are together.
25. Lots of times she reads at night with a headlamp.
26. Water is her favorite drink.
27. She always calls my other brother, Air. Even when writing about him, Arrrr. Also the other Nat is often referred to as Nan. And I don't think she thinks it weird that she is part of a set of Natalie Schofields.
28. She wants to do right by her children.
29. She once told my parents that she "has been around."
30. I love her. She is one of my best friends. I love spending time with her and I love chatting on phone with her, almost daily. Happy Birthday, Nat.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Turkey Day
Crewe is Thankful for:
1. My family
2. cousins
1.Ni Ho Ki-lan
2. my glasses
3. Crewe
I am thankful for:
A son that rocks the Turkey Tango.
A daughter who constantly saying, " I love you, Mom."
A kind and thoughtful husband.
The Gospel and my membership in Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Amazing parents. Kind In-Laws
Great extended family.
Very fun friends who really know how to be good friends.
Good Books
New sheets on the bed.
Ps Rich said he is Thankful for his health. And his kids health. (no mention of the care taker)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
The Theater
We had the chance to go to 2 Broadway plays. TWO. Both were so amazing and really fun to go. We went around noon and stood in a very long line to buy discount tickets. We went to Mary Poppins Saturday night. Sunday afternoon we went to In The Heights. (second picture is the stage from this musical). We had fantastic seats for both shows. Second row for ITH and I gotta tell you. The performers know how to sweat.
I have always loved musicals. And I still remember the first time I saw a Broadway play in New York City, The Secret Garden. Side note* On that trip we also went to Cats. My little brother slept through most of it. Money well spent. I was 15 and I was in love. I have since sought out good theater. I have seen many amazing plays in San Francisco, Los Angles, Las Vegas and London. I think In The Heights moved to my top 5 Broadway plays I have seen. Curious about the list, ok.
Top 5 Broadway Plays
5. Wicked
4. In The Heights
3. 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
2. Beauty and the Beast
1. Jersey Boys
The Bakery
Monday, November 23, 2009
NY- The First Full Day
Background to the trip. My friend Angie works with a back East based company. She often has to travel to New York City for work. In a lusting for a girls weekend and our lack of free weekends led us to come up with this plan. We tacked this weekend on to the start of her week long work convention. Ang also has a friend that said we could stay at her apartment even though she was gone. So we had our housing covered, Angie's work paid for her ticket, the cab ride and the hotel the last night. I also had a ticket voucher from getting delayed last fall. It just all fell together so off we went. Our good friend Tanya also joined us.
Thumbs Down:
1. Puked on the plane. Just gross and wrong.
2. Friends delayed on flight out and we didn't meet up until 1am.
3. Went into the smallest bathroom in the world.
Thumbs Up:
1. Saw the Statue of Liberty. It is the tiny fuzz in the background.
2. Even though it was raining, it stopped enough in the day not to lose our minds.
3. Had bagels for breakfast.
4. Rode the subway many times.
5. Walked up to Wall Street. We left the apt at 11am and returned shortly after 1am. Imagine lots of walking.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Way Back and Busy
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I See A Pony
Monday, November 09, 2009
1. Last Saturday afternoon we went out for a lunch date. Rich ordered an egg soda. It was disgusting. Awful. Rich pretended like he liked it.
2. One day this week I asked Rich if he could go to the grocery store and clean the bathroom. He didn't go to work until later in the day so he said fine. And did it all.
3. Last night we stayed out with friends playing games until 1am. We had the best time celebrating our friend, Angie, birthday. I think Rich also let me win the game. I kept giving him the please let me win eyes and when he could have stolen my points and won, he didn't.
ps. rich also didn't complain when he got up with the kids early this morning. Don't worry he got lots of napping in today.
One more thing, Rich is staying behind to care for the kids while I go on a girls weekend this upcoming weekend..... to New York City! He is the BEST!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Last Sunday
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