Step 1. Woke up to a birthday breakfast of biscuit sticks and eggs. Oh and gifts. A Mystery Machine and Scooby doo people to the gifts. Plus a camera from Tiger and Grandma.
Step 3. Have cupcakes brought in by mom and Grandma. Sister also tagged along. Get to be the boy leader for the day.
Step 4. Go to In N Out for lunch.
Step 5. Drive to the city for family pictures at the beach.
Step 6. Go to Favorite Cupcake place in the city. Try a new cupcake and LOVE it. It was chocolate, vanilla and strawberry striped.

Step 7. Hit favorite places in the city. Coit Tower. Hiking hill, ect...

Step 8. Go to, not great food but Crewe LOVED it, place to eat, Rainforest Cafe.
Step 9. Receive more gifts through the day. Get home, open a marshmallow gun. Collapse into bed.