Monday, July 10, 2006

Crewe is in love....

> Crewe is in love right now. WITH CARS!!! He carries them around at all times. He drives them up and down the walls in the hallway. He drives on displays in the stores and on windows when we are in restruants. He carries MANY cars at 1 time. "The Purple car, the blue car, daddy's porsche, the tow truck and the red car." Five cars at all times. Even when he sleeps.


Ashley said...

Crewe just came over and saw this entry. He said, "hey what is Crewe doing? He is asleepin with his cars!!!"

Natali, Aaron, & Boys said...

Where did you find the Cars blanket? Drew is also obsessed. He carries a ziploc bag everywhere we go, including church, full of cars. If we're at home he pulls around a suitcase packed with cars. I love it!

jody said...

Love that boy and his cars, he is so cute!

*ethan* said...

hey that is one cute boy........... how come nobody wants to look at my blog????????