Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I hate the dentist. (Sorry, Nan, I love you but not your profession). I am afraid of the dentist. It makes me sick to even think about having to go the dentist. I woke up in the middle of the night worrying about going to the dentist. Why go? BECAUSE I AM IN PAIN!!!! I have never had such intense, awful tooth pain. EVER!!!! It woke up in the night 3 times with aches and screaming pain. SO, I went to see my dentist here in CA. (Normally I go to the wonderful Dr. Natali Schofield in UT and she gives me Valium to make it through the day). So I went to Dr. Kearl (who is also Rich's uncle) and it went okay. He then sent me to another Dr. To talk about having a root canal. WHAT! A root canal. And it will take 2 appointments to take care of it plus a crown from the dentist. AND IT IS GOING TO COST $1200. That is more than our rent!!!! I am not a happy woman. I am going to face the music today at 3:15pm. I hope I make it back alive. (can they give me an epidural for this??????)


Anonymous said...

I'm SO sorry!!! Good luck!

jody said...

you did it and it is now behind you...good job

Natali, Aaron, & Boys said...

You are a strong woman! I know you did a great job!!! Way to go!!!!

{natalie} said...

i love you ash...call me when you can.