Thursday, May 31, 2007

fancy dinner

We went to a fancy dinner;
We felt like we were winners.
Beautiful tables and decorations.
Great, fun conversations.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Holy Ghost; my personal GPS

I have had this thing called the Holy Ghost since I was 8 years old. For 22 years it has been apart of me and my life. Lately I think about it all the time. Is he there? He is helping me? How? Am I listening for that still small voice? And most importantly, Can he help me find my car keys?
When you are a child you are taught to pray when you are physically lost or when you have lost something physically and the Big GH will help you overcome your problem. It is a comfort and a guide. It is your own GPS system. It is built right in and you can use it anytime you want.
When news came today of Cindi Pignatelli's death my whole body tingled with warmth. The Holy Ghost said "be still and just listen to your mom talk." I went and laid crying dayne down in her crib and let the HG overcome me. I taped into my GPS system. I let the spirit direct me and comfort me. And later he helped me find my keys.


Crewe and his cousin Jonny are good friends. They love to play and be together. The other day Crewe was over at Jonathan's house playing. When he came home I asked how the day went. He said, "Jonny tried to bite me." I asked what happened next. Crewe replied, "I moved my arm."

Monday, May 28, 2007

the drawing

I read all types of blogs. They often have drawings to win fun prizes. Nothing huge but some small treasure. So this week I am going to have a drawing. The winner will recieve a "green themed" package. Please leave a comment in the comment section and your name will be put into bag. The winner will be announced at the end of the week. You have to leave a comment to win!

Happy Memorial Day

Hope everyone is having a great day. We are headed to the Delta for the day. I am planning on hanging out in the shade with baby dayne and reading. Crewe will play on the dock and swim and Rich is hoping for his first run of the season.
Enjoy the picture of Kayleen, Trevor and the new Annabel.

Friday, May 25, 2007

this weeks Boo/Yeah list

1. Yeah- My friends Kayleen and Trevor had a baby girl on tuesday. they named her anabel or annabell or annabel. She did the whole thing naturally. And yes, I know Clara looks like Trevor.
2. Yeah- Dayne is wearing a oneies that I bought in Paris. I bought it when we took Crewe at 6months with the hope that one day we would have a girl in our home to wear it. 3 years later...yeah.

3. Yeah- I just overheard Crewe say, " Dayne, I love you!"

1. Boo- I think I have strep throat. AGAIN!!!! Dang that Richard.

4. Yeah- My lawn was mowed.
2. Bo0- My gardner is naked!

5. Yeah- Crewe discovered outside showering.

3. Boo- We have been staying in the house most of this week. My allgeries are so bad that at night my eyes have been sealing shut. Gross!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Cute babies

This is a cool necklace that I recieved from Rich and my parents. The disks say my kids names. (it only took 3 times for the lady to get the spellings correct). Then we added thier birthstones, which happen to be gems that i already had in earrrings. I love it!!!

These cute babies just make me so happy.

And they make me crazy. Crewe talked ALL DAY LONG, yesterday. And today he is asking to make a beach. A what???

Monday, May 21, 2007


WANTED: ONE PAIR OF LEGS TO FILL SHOESWanted: A pair of legs to fill these shoes. They were left behind in a tragic love affair. They were found working the streets of Pleasanton. Please give them a home. Or at least come and pick up your shoes that you left on the sidewalk so when I drive by I don't have to STOP the car, back up and laugh as I search for my camera.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

what a day

Dear Grey's Anatomy People,
I hated your season finale. It was depressing and dark. And truthfully it didn't make sense. People don't get together and all decide on one day to break up. George and
Izzie, never gonna happen. George is beneath her class. (her looks class. it is like George Castanza hooking up with a supermodel; never gonna happen). Besides, George is married. Married. George is also a guppy that needs a swift kick or at least a time out.
I also hate that I am still pondering the yucky episode and have looked up articles
analyzing it.( FYI, I like I need to get a life. Seriously!
Love not-sure-if-I-am-still-loyal,

ps. this is pic of my son being appalled by the season finale. ok,not really but it is a funny photo.

Friday, May 18, 2007

the boo and yeah list

I've had a hard time coming up with a good blog this week. But today as I was thinking about my week and decided to get out a list. Let me first say that i know my life is great and this is just a list ; nothing deeper.1. BOO -Still have shingles. The sores are looking better but the pain is about the same.
2.BOO- Spent 45 min on the phone with the Delta people and can not find a way to use a frequent flier ticket to go to montana.

1. YEAH- Both of kids napped at the same time. Super yeah!
2. YEAH- My friend Kayleen and her family decided to move back to the CA area. I am so happy.
3. BOO- Julie moved to AZ. She is the best aunt. She loves my kids and wants only good things for them. She was a great movie partner and go'er out'er with me.

3. Yeah- Crewe got a haircut.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day!
Everyone knows that I have an amazing mom. I love you mom!
Today it also hit me that I AM A MOM!!! I am so lucky to have these babies.

Friday, May 11, 2007

5 things about me

5 Snacks I enjoy:
*nuts, all kinds * diet coke
*pita chips *zingers (only on special occasions)

5 Bad Habits:
*Biting my lip when I am busy *makes piles of mail and leaving them
*refusing to put away my laundry *Putting empty cartons back in fridge *leaving clothes in the washing machine, then I have to rewash before they FINALLY make it in the dryer.
5 songs I know all the words to:
*Popular from the musical, Wicked *Stay, Lisa Loeb *She's in Love with a Boy, Trisha Yearwood *Fishin' in the Dark *Candy Girl *Calender Girl
5 things I like to do:
*Read *Plan parties or girls nights *Play games (I wish we had a game night every week with friends) *Clean the bathroom *talk with friends
5 favorite toys: Dumb I don't play with toys but I do like: *My i-pod, LOVE it *lap tops, I am glad that we got rid of our desk computer a couple of years ago *cell phones, can not live with out (i use over 1000 min a month!) *hot glue gun (all of baby dayne's bows get glued somehow)
5 things I will never wear again:
*Flannel shirts * Jellies * pegged jeans *spandex with shorts over them * silk shirts (like I wore in the 9 th grade)

These are most of pictures of me from this past YEAR. I don't have any shots with Rich, I need to work on that!!!
that remind me
, 5 Goals:
* more pics of me with Rich and with Friends *make more friends *watch less TV
*lose weight *make bed everyday

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I have WHAT....Ewww!!!!

I have spent HOURS at the doctors the last few days. Why? I have these sores on my arms that have not been healing. It was very painful to even hold Dayne. So Rich sent me off to the doctors. AND then I found that I have shingles. Ewwww! Shingles. Don't they have a colony for people with that???

It sounds way grosser than it is, I promise. I took a few pictures but my arm is too blurry to do it justice. Is is wrong that I wanted documentation????

Rich's brother called to get the lowdown and after much conversing David told us that he would have for me, a separate plate and a separate place to wash the next I visited his home. Nice

So for now I am on meds (5 times a day) and I keeping my sores *shudder* covered. I also am taking Baby Dayne to the dr tomorrow because she has not been vaccinated against my disease. (i am not at all dramatic)

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

the same

Wow! Crewe at 1 month.

Dayne at 1 month. wow!

Sunday, May 06, 2007


I LOVE music. I put on headphones and all my worries melt away. The other night dayne was crying and crying and to make her stop, I put my headphones on. Ok, she didn't stop but I couldn't hear her and I was still able to rock her without throwing a rock at her. My song right now, Who Loves You by Frankie Valli and the four Seasons.

Yesterday morning when I woke up I ran into Crewe in the hallway. "Dad and sister are sleeping. You woke up!" Crewe was a free man around the house. Rich was asleep on the couch and dayne was in her bassinett. I took this as a sign that Crewe and I should spend the morning in my bed watching cartoons. And that is what we did until Rich woke up at 10.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Anti-Vegetarian,pro vegetables

I have had something on my mind lately. I even woke up in the night thinking about it.... Vegetables. Do I like them? Do i eat enough of them? What about Crewe eating them? Do french fries count?

I am a fan of vegetables but I am not sure I eat enough. Should I eat more? Should I become a VEGETARIAN??? No. However, it seems very in vogue right now to be a vegetarian. (That means you don't eat meat.)

(conversation in My Big Fat Greek Wedding)

"Ian is a vegetarian."

"You don't eat meat? That's okay, I'll make you lamb."

Who doesn't like meat. I mean, there is a lot of different options and you can't find something to satisfy your delights. And what do vegetarians eat? I think real vegetarians eat salads and vegetables medleys. But i think poser vegetarians eat boco burgers, chickenless chicken, hummus and seafood. And then the loser vegetarian eats cheese on a stick ,fries, olives, loads of pasta, and waffles and ice cream. THAT IS NOT HEALTHY!!! Aren't you a vegetarian to be healthy???

I have a friend who is a vegan. Don't even get me started on how crazy I think vegans can be. However, I am obessed with the daily eatings of a vegan. I turn into a vegan cop whenever I am around her. "Andrea, are you sure you should eat that?" I find myself saying this EVERYTIME I see her eat anything. (i am an annoying friend.) One time she made vegan cupcakes for her daughters birthday. That means the cake and frosting had no milk, eggs and oil. They looked normal. Crewe took one bite, brought it to me and said, "THIS IS SO PLUCK!!!" and proceeded to wipe his tongue over and over.

At Crewe's 2 year old check up the doctor asked me what kind of foods Crewe ate. After I made the list I said that I was worried that he doesn't eat meat (mcDonald cheesburgers don't count). The Dr. said not to worry that lots of people don't eat meat, they are called vegetarians. I commented back that I had heard of "them" but I didn't want one in my home. She just smiled. I bet she had tofu burger with fries for lunch.

So, i have decided that I am anti-vegetarian but pro vegetables. And yes, fries count.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Location: SF Zoo
What was going on: Crewe was eating a HUGE bag of kettle corn. He was standing in the food court. There were ducks waddling around begging for food. There also were people eating their lunches in the court.

My Mom: "Crewe, they look hungry, (gesturing to the ducks.) Do you want to give them some popcorn?"

Crewe: Walks up to the people. "You want some of my popcorn?"